Hi, I'M Torie- A therapist, coach, and host of the podcast, you're not crazy.
I created Confident Boundaries because I was sick of the toxic narrative around dysfunctional family relationships.

It's wild to me how we put the responsibility of parent/adult-child relationships on the adult-child...

I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional family (quite possibly the understatement of the year). I'm also a therapist and coach with over a decade of experience in the mental health field. Something that has bothered me and confused me beyond belief for some time is how quickly we are to minimize the impact of toxic parenting on adult children.
We are so quick as a society to dismiss abusive behaviors from parents. Behaviors that have major consequences to the child throughout the course of their life. Behaviors that we would condemn in romantic relationships, friendships, or professional relationships. This perspective leaves so many adults feeling helpless, alone, and doubting their own reality.
I'm determined to be a part of changing this narrative.
If you would have told me a few years ago that I would be willingly and frequently discussing my own journey of growing up with a parent with narcissistic personality disorder- I would have told you you were out of your mind.
I've never loved being the center of attention. And, talking about something so taboo publicly can be scary at times. People have really strong feelings about family relationships and can be quite intense about it. Talking about my perspective is quite possibly the most vulnerable thing I've ever done.
My Desire to help others outweighed my fears of speaking out
As a therapist, I've spent a good portion of my nearly 12 year long career working with clients with personality disorders, their family members, and their partners. It's the primary focus of my therapy practice and the only thing I do as a coach. It's an incredibly unique niche, and one that I'm really passionate about.
The problem is- I was so limited to how I could help in my therapy practice. I knew that I wanted to make access to resources for the adult children of parents with borderline and narcissistic personality disorders way more accessible. I wanted to help people like myself and the clients I've previously worked with realize they are not alone and show them how things can get better.

So, in early 2024, I jumped in and started Confident Boundaries.
Confident Boundaries has evolved from a little company where I could offer coaching services to a company that produces my weekly podcast, You're Not Crazy, and hosts the only online community specifically devoted to the adult children of parents with borderline and narcissistic personality disorders, The Confident Boundaries Online Community.
I've gotten to talk with and work with so many incredible humans who are determined to break the cycle of dysfunction in their family. It's been a wild ride and one that's just getting started. I'm so grateful to everyone who has become a part of this journey, and I'm so happy you're here.

"You are not crazy. You are not the problem. People with emotionally Healthy Parents don't question their own sanity."

helping you understand the dysfunctional cycle you're in, identifying what your actual options are, learning healthier ways of coping, and finding the confidence and courage to make your own choices.

telling you what you have to do, looking at life through a black-and-white lens, believing no-contact is the only option, or trying to get your parent to change (a major waste of your time and energy).
Get along pretty well

You appreciate direct and honest communication.
Humor is also one of your coping mechanisms.
You occasionally use profanity to emphasize a point.
A peaceful life is your dream life.

Make sure to Grab my free guide
5 Quick tips for managing intense moments
Sign up with your email to get a copy of my guide delivered directly to your inbox. Learn how to help yourself in those stressful moments when a parent with borderline or narcissistic personality disorder loses their sh*t. .